Friday, June 14, 2013

Story by Cedrick Miller

Here is my family, most of them graduated in 2011 however we are a huge family. We fight, laugh and compete with eachother. All of us have our differences, either we are gay, straight, color blind, deaf etc... we don't care about that. Wrestling teaches us how to use our differences to win a match. For instance; I thought I was too skinny, but nope my coach took that out of my head quickly, he turned me into a skinny machine, he taught me the advantages of being tall and skinny.

I started wrestling in Germany at age 12, I had no repect for the sport but I only did it because my older brother was my mentor and I wanted to be just like him. During my wrestling journey I grew to love it dearly! As a kid I always got picked on because of my girly habits, being called a fruitcake hurt me but I never did anything about it. Wrestling helped me release that anger, putting my sweat, blood, and tears actually made me feel better. Stripping this sport away from the Olympics takes dreams away from kids, it takes that courage away from the one who gets bullied, it rips away hope for that one with the low self esteem. Most of us are only good at one thing in life and that's wrestling. After college what do wrestlers look foward to in the future if Olympic wrestling was taken away? Exactly nothing at all but that fake WWE crap! Keep wrestling in the Olympics because it teachhes kids discipline, kids like me how to stick up for themselves, and also a endless friendship with fellow wrestlers, because wrestlers understand wrestlers, we do what we love, and just like a real match expect us to keep striking until we get that win, be warned we won't stop until its put back past the year 2020. Wrestling was the wrong sport to mess with! Thankyou.

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